Saturday, July 31, 2010

Oh, I'm So In Love!

Infatuation, you plague the naive so well. Teach me your ways. I envy the energy you give off, and the ease in which you present yourself. Shall I be your apprentice? I doubt I'll fall in to your traps again.

But I just can't take my eyes off of you! May I tag along?

[Love is different from infatuation. Don't learn the hard way.]

Friday, July 30, 2010

No Invitations.

Visions are blurry
Coherency is leaving me
Debauchery hasn't received her invitation
Nor will you.

Innocence plays on our words
She's on our lips, too
She shines bright,
like earlier nights.

Evenings without her contemptuous sibling
and I've already forgot you

Warped Visions

What kind of mother turns on her daughter? Wishing malice and trouble with a fiery look.

What kind of lover forgets about emotions so strong for their partner? Turning away with an ever faltering memory.

What kind of friend deserts another at their weakest of moments? Abandoning completely and slightly smug.

What kind of life was I assigned to? Ripping me to shreds with every corner I turn.

Tylenol Doesn't Help This Ache.

My mind aches. My heart aches. I ache for something more than just this. It's time for these dreams to mature and become reality, just like me. Time for me to grow up, and be who I'm going to be forever. I take these summer nights to plan my future, no longer dream of it. Will I succeed? Will I be the person I so want to be? What if I fail? And my mistakes, will they haunt me? Or are they easily dissolved like the ones now?

I ache to know if this world is as great as they say. I want to know how romantic things are; I have a feeling that the world is just as grey as I suspect. There are no shades of pink, or happiness, just grey. Just survival. Will philosophy be as useless as the life I live now? Will my aspirations be spat on because this world harbors no heart?

Soulless, conscienceless, apathetic.

No, I wasn't talking about you, but you're damn close. I'm talking about this world that's raising us. This world that's corrupting us.


Black gold, you've blackened our hearts and veins. Each beat produced from us, you produce a barrel. When you cease to exist, will we? When you sputter your last drops, will we be gasping for air?

[Reform for a healthy environment and economy.]

Child of This World

He feeds her naivety with pleasing lies that he calls promises and the intoxicating hormones choke her into whispering futile "yes"s without a blink from her young and innocent eyes. As she pleas for truth and all that is good in the world, he bears Life's baptismal gifts of corruption and lies.

She is now a child of this world.

Lack of Reminiscing [fiction]

The pit-pats on the steaming concrete blend and blind. Walking away from a taunting familiarity pries at my very existence: no amount of cheap alcohols will dry the tears or make you the person I once knew.

Trotting on only God knows what terrain, I eschew any memories that'll have me on a counterproductive path. Trekking on my trail of tear. Rebuilding what you tore down.

Good Morning, America


reedom: where?
Equality: non-existent.
Safety in the form of an everlasting and devastating war.
Terrors and tragedies gone unnoticed.
Erratic decisions amounting to more chaos.
Reigning idiots that only care for money.
Independence gone: American slaves to oil.
Nonchalant ignorance being celebrated by the masses.
Gone with the wind: our traditions.

Normal society has an infatuation with all things GREEN.
And that's not a reference to the environment.
Tyrannical corporations now have opinions.
I'm not the only one complaining.
Oppression is a plague; someone save us.
No, America: you're no longer great, but just a mess.

[Patriotism is not kicking people out from this country. Patriotism is doing what's best for your country, and the masses have it all wrong. Let's change the USA.]

You Can't Leave Me.

Waking up to you brightens my day.
Falling asleep to you colors my dreams.
Without you, there's no reason to live.
When you're around, there's a spring to my millions of erratic steps.

Inspiration, don't ever leave me.