Monday, February 28, 2011


No one ever told me that making my own decisions would be so painful, or that love was treasonous. I was misinformed when they told me that people were good, and that life was easy. When you told me that your arms were my safe haven, I should’ve been more aware of the venom of personal interests. When I kissed you, I should have been a bit more honest - I was not looking for love - but I wasn’t. When I said I was yours, I should have also mentioned the bit of me that belongs to a force insurmountable.

But this here is the truth: I love you. Had it not been for you, I never would’ve realized this much about myself. I don’t accredit everything to you, but you’ve helped me propel myself - yet at the cost of losing you. At the cost of forfeiting you, I forfeited a part of me that will forever remain in the uncertainty of the wind. By losing you, I’m not sure what all I have gained, besides the dismal recognition of your absence.

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